KD55S8505C Video App Issue


KD55S8505C Video App Issue



The Video app on my Sony TV (KD55S8505C) always stretches the image to fullscreen and there seems to be no way of changing this.


Pressing the action menu reveals an option for either "Expand" or "Fit to screen" but neither of these options change anything.


Playing the video with any other app, VLC or MX Player for example, the video will play correctly, however this is not an acceptable solution as you cannot enable 3D Mode with these apps (which is just plain rediculous) so to watch a 3D file I am forced to use Sony's own Video app and suffer the stretching which makes everything look awful and out of proportion.


Is there any fix for this or is it a known issue that will be resolved in a softaware update?




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Hi .

I received an e-mail from Sony tech support that a fix has been added to an expected firmware issue to be released very soon ( no date given ) so everyone keep an eye out and keep checking software update button.

Sent From My Nexus 6P device

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Great news, fingers crossed that it's true!

They've recently updated the video app on the phone/tablet so I was hoping they'd do the same for the tv version of the same app. I do hope they've specifically addressed the aspect ratio issue on the tv video app though as the update on the phone/tablet version has no mention of this. 


The update has been released and in the 1.4 gb of updates Sony has done absolutely nothing about the video app aspect ratio being broken. 


You are very lucky, after the update my Video app is not working at all!

I'm used to open ES File Explorer, find a file on my NAS and then select an app to open it. Well, now if I select "Video" from the list, the TV says "loading..." forever. Very nice.



When that happens to me I've found unplugging the TV (and leaving it
unplugged for 1-2 mins) usually sorts the problem out. And yes, I
appreciate that it's a pain and that we shouldn't have to do it. 🤔

Mine hasn't even updated yet? If the app will not open, go into the app settings,scroll right looking for the red video app logo app, then select this and open options of the app and try to clear cache,just like you would a broken or non working phone app,hope this helps? I think I'll hold of from downloading this update whatsoever.

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Always do a full TV soft reset by in plugging the set for a few minutes,usually fixes some errors, my set re boots  when it likes!!??

When will Sony stop lying to us by saying a fix is out? Over 9 months of this fault, completely unacceptable Sony!

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I remember this behavior from very early SW versions, and in those cases for me a simple reboot was sufficient. Yesterday I have rebooted three times, but no way to make the Video app working.

I will try this evening to unplug the AC cord of the TV and see if it is a better approach...

>From my understanding the Video App is not fixed,so, going on 10 months with stretched video which is disgusting from Sony, seems they don't care anymore? Or just won't listen? And why do customer services bother to contact us and tell us this version of firmware contains a fix,when they know fine well it won't?Infuriating!👿👿😡

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