Definitive List of 5.1 pass-through

Definitive List of 5.1 pass-through

Sorry if this has been answered before, but just picked a KDL55w755c and been playing with the best aps for streaming movies in full HD and 5.1 sound: Does anybody have a definitive list of which services feed an AV Receiver connected through the optical out in 5.1? I tried the 99p special offer HD movie (Jurassic World) on Wuaki but that did not seem to be 5.1. What about Sony PlayStation video, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, MUBI, Google Play, Cinema Now, Blinkbox etc.?? Also, is there any way to get information on the video stream and sound stream when playing anything other than Freeview (the i button on the remote seems not to work for other streams)