Clicking sound when switching channels.


Clicking sound when switching channels.

i'm on my second 65xd93 Sony TV.

the first one made a clicking noise when switching channels and bringing up the GUIDE when using the built in tuner (CI+ digital or analog channels).


to my surprise when I plugged in the second set i got after complaining to the store also made the same noise. Makes me think this is not a problem.


the sound is very much like a relay-clicking noise. Not consistent and makes almost like a little morse code. And it only happens during channel switching and when bringing up/loading the built in tv-guide.


anyone else using the xd93 with channels (built in tuner) and have the same sound?

it has to be quite quite to hear it. But very much audible.


tnx in advance

Not applicable

Hi there


Other than suggesting that it could be system beeps (i.e. when you press the remote buttons etc).  However i have been following a thread on another forum for this model, and do not recall any such complaint about this issue.


As its new, best contact your retailer or Sony Support.




Not system beeps. Sounds like a relay or something.

Swedish SONY support thinks it's electrical. To carry the TV around the apartment trying different outlets. Or asking my neighbor if I can try my TV in their outlets.


if anyone is experiencing this please reply. Just interesting to know if anyone else is experiencing same thing.

PS. Needs to be quite quite to hear it.