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BRAVIA KD49XG8096BU automatically turning on home cinema


BRAVIA KD49XG8096BU automatically turning on home cinema

I got a BRAVIA KD49XG8096BU yesterday. I have a Sony home cinema kit, through which I run my Sky+ HD box for certain shows. When I turn on my TV and the Sky box, the TV is automatically turning on the home cinema kit. Whilst that's not too much of an issue, I don't always want to use the home cinema kit.


I can't see a way to disable this. My tv is connected to the amplifiers TV HDMI socket, the Sky box is connected to the amp via the Satellite HDMI socket. I get audio from the Sky box when the amp is set to the Satellite output, but I don't get any audio from the tv's inbuilt freeview when the amp is set to the TV output. I have an HDMI splitter box on its way to me, hoping that if I plug both the tv and Sky box in to the Satellite HDMI socket on the amp, and then switch between inputs, it may work?


Thanks for that recommendation Pat. Just got home and taken a better look at the back of the amp, and the tv opt socket is idea how i missed it! The xbox is just via an hdmi lead and gives me 5.1 dolby, so that means all i need is an extra optical digital cable, and i should be up and running!

Happy days, all sorted. New optical digital cable arrived last night; plugged between the tv and the tv opt in port on the amp, and i now have 5.1 sound from the amp on tv, netflix, prime tv etc ๐Ÿ˜