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Black screen with sound when turning on AF8

Black screen with sound when turning on AF8

I realized that if I turn off the AF8 and disconnect the power cable, when I turn it on, after a few seconds the image disappears (black screen) and sound. Changing the channel shows the image again. On the other hand if I only turn it off from the remote control this does not happen.  I have the latest firmware version (I also happened with the previous one) and I have made a Factory Data Reset, but this has not solved the problem.


Hi theflyingdove,

That's strange. I'll see if i can find out anything for you. Someone else in the community may be able to help in the meantime.



I've got a similar issue with my 65XF9005 and have sent Sony the following info...


I can now provide you with some further information which may help your engineers produce a resolution.


The 65XF9005 television which suffered from the picture blanking issue has been replaced by another 65XF9005 set. This set worked perfectly for 5 days without any picture blanking episodes UNTIL I performed a firmware upgrade to V6.5603.0175EUA. Now this replacement television has the same issue.


I have spent some time looking to find the cause and I can tell you the following :-


  1. This problem only happens when the television has been disconnected from the mains electricity supply for at least 1 minute.
  2. It only happens when viewing HD broadcast television channels – either DTT HD or DSAT HD channels  â€“ it does not happen when viewing SD channels.
  3. If the television is powered up to an HD channel, the screen will blank within 30 seconds of the ANDROID logo being replaced by the broadcast picture.
  4. If the television is powered up to an SD channel and remains on the SD channel, the screen will not blank.
  5. If the television is powered up to an SD channel but is changed to an HD channel within 15 seconds, the picture will blank before a further 15 seconds elapse.
  6. If the television is powered up to an SD channel but is changed to an HD channel after 30 seconds, the picture will not blank.


I hope this is of some help.

Hi theflyingdove,


Welcome to our community!


I've checked with Sony support and was advised that they are aware of the issue and it's currently under investigation and it should be resolved with the upcoming firmware version but unfortunately the release date for this update is not yet confirmed.




Hi @theflyingdove,


Just to add to the comment by @batee5. Your issue sounds somewhat familiar to me. However it could be that it might not be exactly what I think it is, namely the Samba Services Manager (SSM). To know for sure, you could try to restart the TV by holding the POWER button on the remote until you get the Shutting Down message. After the TV restarts, if you encounter the issue then it is the known issue mentioned by @batee5. In this case disconnecting the TV from the mains is not really the trigger for the problem, but the call process on the SSM during the Android TV boot-up.


The workaround for the time being would be to disable the SSM by:

  1. Go to Home > Settings > Samba Interactive
  2. Click DISABLE
  3. Then go to Home > Settings > Apps > Samba Services Manager
  4. Click first to CLEAR DATA
  5. Then select DISABLE

Restart the TV by holding the POWER button until the TV shuts down. Let’s wait and see if things will keep working as expected.


Keep us posted!
