Amazon Video - Juddering Issues


Amazon Video - Juddering Issues

I have upgraded my 55xd9305 yesterday and it proved to be a bad move. Since then a lot of judder specially on 4K stuff from Amazon and YouTube. It settles if left alone for couple of minutes. Clicking a buttong on remote such as volume or action will again introduce judder. I also noticed that while watching some 4K HDR on Amazon last night, the sound was out of sync with video as well. I hope a fix comes soon.


Edit: managed to fix it for some reason I had to scroll down like 5 pages to get to HDR/4K stuff!!! I wish you could just text search.

do you have the prime video app in google store the version in the store is 4.5.17 when you go on to amazon scroll down the menue o the home page till you come to included with prime tv genres you will find prime 4k ulta-hd tv i have a sony kd65-zd9

I dunno. They just removed the info. But if you press pause you'll see if it is playing in HDR. The Grand Tour always does. On mine The Grand Tour started as 1080p HDR and became UHD HDR after a couple of minutes. If you don't see HDR you have an issue indeed.


Ok, I must go. Happy Easter everyone!

Nah, it is working, I just had to scroll through pages and pages and pages to get to 4K content, if I do a text search it will never find the 4K version, it always finds the 1080p version.


Is there a way to use the search to find the 4K versions? They seem buried on mine, deeper and deeper each time I use it as though Amazon don't want me playing 4K :slight_smile:




Is there a way to use the search to find the 4K versions? They seem buried on mine, deeper and deeper each time I use it as though Amazon don't want me playing 4K :slight_smile:

Maybe try to search for UHD or HDR. Now I don't remember if it was Amazon or Netflix (or both), but in one case it worked.

Doesn't seem to work on Amazon, you have to manually find the 4K HDR versions it seems.


Mine is still glitching a bit with the odd drop out but it does seem much smoother and dropouts don't result in juddering. So a positive step.

Just an update.

After the the software update I tried the Amazon app and nothing at all had changed. Still juddering.

I've tried removing the app from the TV and then installed afresh the app from google store.

Once again the juddering is still there.

It seems that no matter what is tried this issue will not go away.

On the upside I still don't get any issues at all with the Amazon app on either my Sony home cinema system, Panasonic Blue Ray or with any of the Roku devices throughout the house.

All that this leaves is that the T.V. is the problem.

It has nothing to do with the app, broadband speed, wireless or LAN connections.

I accepted long ago that Sony were unable to get to grips with this so am resigned to not using the Amazon app on the T.V. ever again.

The alternative equipment works extremely well so I will continue to use them instead.

For shame SONY!!!!

Changing to just Dolby digital (from plus) solved it for meChanging to just Dolby digital (from plus) solved it for me

Unfortunately which ever orientation I post the forum puts picture on it's side.

Makes you wonder!!

I've just bought a 4K Roku streaming stick and there are no juddering issues with Amazon 4k at all.

Still the same juddering trying to watch it directly on the TV app but this has dragged on for so long now without any cure from Sony that I have given up even trying to watch it through the app.