55XD8599 no sound via hdmi


55XD8599 no sound via hdmi

Having searched the forums I can't find the same issue noted but hope someone may have some suggestions to help.


I've had my 55XD8599 running for a few months now and other than experiencing the annoying lag with remote commands and occasional bugs in the Android OS, I have been pretty happy with the tv and in particular the picture quality. 


I was recently prompted to perform an update and duly did so; all apparently went well and I'm now running Android 6 with firmware v3.386. However, the first time I then tried to use either my PS3 or Mac connected via HDMI I was aware that there was no sound at all. Picture is perfect however. 


Watching normal digital tv is fine.


I've been through all the settings in case something was changed during the update but cannot see anything wrong there. I have tried all the HDMI ports but it makes no difference. 


Sony have suggested all all the usual self help steps of soft and hard reset (frustrating as I lost all calibrated settings!) but again this has made no change and I still get nothing in the way of sound via HDMI. 


I'm not a technical expert but cannot see what else could be happening here other than some fundamental flaw following the update as everything worked perfectly prior. 


Not it getting any further assistance from Sony but grateful for any suggestions!?


Not applicable

Hi there


Your firmware version should be 3.865 and not 3.386 - can you confirm?  If not, update HERE


In regards to your problem, have a look at this troubleshooting guide - you might need to do those advanced steps, as another device 'may' be conflicting.  See: HERE


If you are still having problems after that, please reply back with some more information:

  • Are you using an external audio system (i.e Soundbar) or the TVs internal speakers
  • Please list all the devices connected to your TV (brand/model) and how they are connected
  • Any other relevent info that you can think of.






Thanks for the reply Quinnicus.


Firmware is indeed 3.865 - bit of a typo on my part. 


Ive been through the steps in the guide as suggested but no change. 


Im connecting the following devices directly via hdmi (port 1 and 2 respectively):


Sony PS3 - audio set to output via hdmi


Apple Mac mini - audio set to output to tv


I also tried a Panasonic BD player which was connected via hdmi to another tv without issue and get the same issue when hooked up to any hdmi port on the Sony set. 


I'm not using a soundbar or any AV receiver. 


Its driving me nuts that this isn't working!


Hi @ducamer


Try disabling Enhanced Mode for those inputs.

I have the same issue with older HDMI devices


Have you tried changing and checking your HDMI cables?  Some older cheaper ones aren't up to the job. I know the premium versions are a little expensive, but they do work. Try changing the existing cables around. Maybe take the cable from your bluray player and connect it. Just a thought. Our new tv's are state of the art but do come with the odd gremlin now and then. Hope you get it fixed. 

Jeffrey Cooper

Well, a positive update to report - even if I can't fathom how. 


Appreciate all all the suggestions offered. The hdmi settings were not enhanced but I cycled the on/off option just to be sure. No change. 


All the hdmi cables are premium brand and working perfectly with other TVs so no joy there. 


I powered red off the tv (and all the connected devices) last night, mostly out of frustration, and didn't go back to try the tv until this evening. As if by magic the problem has disappeared!


im delighted obviously but remain cautious as I've no idea if this will be permanent. I'd already powered off everything a few times before in addition to the soft and hard resets completed more than once. No idea why it's suddenly cured itself but fingers crossed it remains so. 


I'll update Sony and if there's any change I'll come back and update this thread. 


Thanks for for the advice and encouragement.


It's an odd one for certain. Glad it's up and working now. The only thing that comes to mind is an app needed updating in the background. It takes a while for our tv's to fully boot up once bought out of standby. 


Post back if if the problem reappears though, but I hope you're good to go now. The Android Bravia range is still fairly new, and I had reboot issues on my KD-X8507c 55" which I tracked down to a network device. 


I tend end to think of mine as a huge tablet running Android 😀


Kind regards



Jeffrey Cooper