sony support in greece


sony support in greece

I am a pofessional photographer based in athens/greece.

I am working with sony cameras for the past 5 years.

I own sony a700,  a580, a850, a900x2, a77.

I am very satisfied from sony cameras, but

i have used sony service in Greece three times and:

For my sony a700 the repair take 45 days to complete

For my sony a900 the repair take 33 days to complete

and now 29/12/2014 i have send my sony a850 in the service...

Today 14/01/2015 the informe me that my camera will be fixed but they don't know when.

  I have communicate with sony central here in Greece and i haven't a clear answer.

Why sony believe that professional photographers will stay in their system if the don't care about supporting  their cameras.

I need an answer from Sony;