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Sony Image Data Converter update ver.4.2.02 released for both Windows & Mac

Sony Image Data Converter update ver.4.2.02 released for both Windows & Mac

The Sony support site states..


With Image Data Converter ver.4.2.02 you can:

  • Display RAW data.
  • Adjust the brightness or color.
  • Develop output to a JPEG or TIFF format.

This update is avialable for the following models support sites:

  • DSC-RX1, DSC-RX1R, DSC-RX100, DRC-RX100M2
  • DSLR-A100, DSLR-A200, DSLR-A230, DSLR-A280, DSLR-A290, DSLR-A300, DSLR-A330, DSLR-A350, DSLR-A380, DSLR-A390, DSLR-A450, DSLR-A500, DSLR-A550, DSLR-A560, DSLR-A580, DSLR-A700, DSLR-A850, DSLR-A90
  • NEX-3, NEX-3N, NEX-5, NEX-5C, NEX-5N, NEX-5R, NEX-5T, NEX-6, NEX-7, NEX-C3, NEX-F3
  • NEX-VG20E, NEX-VG30E, NEX-VG900E
  • ILCE-3000, ILCE-5000, ILCE-6000, ILCE-7, ILCE-7R
  • SLT-A33, SLT-A35, SLT-A37, SLT-A55, SLT-A55V, SLT-A57, SLT-A58, SLT-A65, SLT-A65V, SLT-A77, SLT-A77V, SLT-A99, SLT-A99V

or you can download direct using the links below..

Sony Image Data Converter version 4.2.02 for Mac

Sony Image Data Converter version 4.2.02 for Windows