Invalid Serial Number


Invalid Serial Number

Hi all - has anyone had any issues regarding the serial number on their UK bought product?


I just bought a Sony A6000 to compliment my A7R , only when I tried to claim the Cashback , the serial came back as invalid - After contacting Sony UK they have told me that its not a UK or IE serial , I bought it direct off Amazon UK noit any third party selling grey imports.


At the moment Im waiting to hear back from both Sony and Amazon - I think Sony have washed theior hands of it to be honest and I dont expect any cashback or warranty to be honored by them - Anyone else had any similar issues?


What is Sony genrally like for support? - Im a Canon Proffesional Services member so may have been spoilt regarding service and repair turn around - Only came to Sony on the Release of the A7R so reletivley new to getting any support from them - first impression are they are very poor.


Any help or advise would be gratfully recieved.




Did you email?


Ive just called up directly , maybe you should too while all this is freah in their minds


numver I called is 02073652810 option 3


Sony have again washed their hands on the second camera , being so rude as to respond with exactly the same reply as the first one.


Even after I pointed them to this thread showing a post that an item from Sony online has an invalid serial number too - they still sent a stock reply


I dont believe Amazon are buying bnon UK stock and I believe this is a Sony issue.. Will they listen? NO


After investing a few grand in their products , Ive never been treated so poorly by a company - complete joke they are.


Im not going to dent their profits in anyway but I give up with them , current Sony products will serve their shelf life then I will be hard pushed to consider buying anything Sony again , I wont have valid warranty on the camera because of this "Invalid Serial" ****


Oh dear, looks like I'm in the same boat.


Just tried to claim cashback for my a6000 purchased from Sony Online Store and get the same 'invalid serial number' message.


Will be contacting them shortly...


Good luck! I've tried to contact them 3 times so far and failed to get any response so far.


Thought I best pop back in with an update 


Sony called me and told me the website way of accepting serial numbers was the cause of this invalis serial numbers , Eventually , the website accepted mine after Sony did something - Its a mess really ,twice denied that it was their problem costing me more in local taxes than the cashback covered and about a month of headaches., not a great expereince at all.


You only need to look at Sony UK on Trust Pilot review site- Their brand is really being let doen by lack of decent support.




So you successfully claimed your cashback now? How to do that? I got same problem ,bought from amazon and got invalid serial number ,still wating for both amazon and sony respond,and thinking if I should just return the A6000.


Hi , yes , finally got the cashback


Sony UK are aware of the problem now so you should not have to go through 5 weeks of hassle like I did.


If you like the camera stick with it, its genuine UK  - It was the sony Website not accepting the serial


ask them you look at my case number 11555093 to see how it was resolved - I got a confermation that the Serial was OK from the address


Good Luck

@Islandsnapper Glad you eventually got it sorted!

Fingers crossed others will now be able to do the same :slight_smile:

Yes, mine has done exactly the same today, so they will be getting a phone call from me too, the serial was excepted for the extended warranty, just not for the cashback offer.

Add me to the list -- it is impossible to register my a6000 online ("Invalid SN) and impossible to contact Customer Support by phone, so not even a "Case Number" to go by. I am a very loyal Sony customer (I have a functioning hi-fi from my student days of 1972 and one of their first Walkman K7 players from 1979!) so it's sad to be left out in the dry like this  ...