
HDR pics from NEX3 i need special software to get best from HDR pics?...The Sony brochure suggests this.....or do i shoot in HDR mode and get the result.....?....if you know what i mean!!  ian


i think the term "best" might be subjective. i have tried the built-in HDR function and it's pretty good, but if i use the bracket function and a good HDR software, you get much different results, plus you can customize it to exactly the look that you are going for.

Photoshop CS5 has a nice HDR tool, Hydra is good, Photomatix is really nice, easyHDR is also good, but it really boils down to what look you want.

Many thanks for your help...I'd never heard of "bracketing"..before today!!....I've taken  a view using bracketing...3 shots at differing exposures...then downloaded success!!!

I still dont understand the HDR option on the camera....It takes 3 shots quickly and saves them as one( composite ? ) image....if this is a "flattend" image can i process this in Photomatix as i did my 3 separate shots?

     thanks ian

Yes you can, and yes it does. it takes the lighter version of the shadows and the lesser exposed highlights and 'combines' them into a flat file.

You can still HDR it with one of your HDR software apps and get great results.

OR, you can take 3 or even 5 at 1-stop intervals using exposure compensation and combine them in the HDR software.

the NEX has a couple different bracketing options that work very easily, in both RAW and JPG they are quite good.

but you can also set your camera on a tripod, compose your shot and then (for instance in P mode) hit the bottom of the scroll wheel and reduce your Exposure Compenstion to -2, take a shot, then up it to -1, take a shot, up it to +1, take a shot then +2 and take a shot, then you will have 5 shots of the same scene to put into your HDR software. this should bring out all the shadow detail with less noise and without overexposing the highlights. also, the shots should line up automatically if you didn't move it, or if something in the scene didn't change, like a boat coming into view - LOL

it's Awesome that you got results right away. i hope that you stay inspired and exited about creating great pictures, like i did when i first started using the NEX (and no, i don't work for them, LOL) i just really like that little camera.

Thanks again....I've looked at the RAW stuff.....maybe for another lots to keep myself "focus" ring on the 18-55 lens doesnt seem to do anything...the zoom is fine....have i disabled it with one of the settings?? ta ian

Doubt that you have disabled it.

Try this: if you hold the shutter down halfway until you get the green square and beeb, then (while still holding the shutter halfway and not pressing it the rest of the way or letting it up) turn the focus and see if it jumps to 7x magnification and (prob slowly) adjusts the focus.

if this doesn't work, it's prob set to auto focus in the menu, camera settings under "focus", so try changing that to DMF, this will still autofocus, but also allow you to adjust it manually while doing the above maneuver.

another way is to go to the camera settings in the menu and setting the focus to manual. but this will be ONLY manual focus, and auto is completely turned off.
