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HDR-AS15 out of focus underwater


HDR-AS15 out of focus underwater

Hi Everyone.

I purchased the HDR-AS15 action cam at Gatwick airport on my way out to the Maldives. The specific purpose was for videoing during diving. I liked the shape of the Sony, because it fits neatly in the palm of the hand, which should allow for great angle shots while diving - as opposed to the GoPro, which is less ergonomic from this point of view. The Sony underwater case also allows a very impressive 60 meter depth limit, way deeper than I dive as a recreational diver. These were my primary reasons for opting for the Sony over the competition.


I purchased the camera on 27th Sept 2013, when I got to the Maldives and started to have a play with my new purchase I did not find the menu to be very intuitive and the instruction manual was limited in content and not that clear to follow the rather odd menu flow-path diagram. I also noted that my smart phone was not included in the list of 'models' confirmed as being able to interface with the HDR-AS15 and without the Wi-Fi interface it was not possible to change the white balance for underwater use. Luckily however I noted there was a firmware update for the HDR-AS15 and duly downloaded it and installed it. This gave direct access from the camera to change the white balance between ‘underwater’ and above water (or as Sony call it 'Normal' white balance). 


I have to say I was surprised to note that the firmware in my brand new camera was significantly out of date compared to the latest release downloaded. It appears Sony have pushed this product to market untested and are running to try to make it a more user-friendly.


I was now all set and ready to go diving. I had purchased 2 micro SDHC cards, each of 32 GB, which when I put the first one in the camera, I found I would get over 4 hours of HD 30fps recording. I also purchased a spare battery but doing 2 fifty minute dives per day I found the supplied battery easily capable of recording the day’s action and still having spare capacity.


Each day I downloaded the data from the camera to my wife’s notebook but as the screen resolution is not HD I could not really assess the footage until I got home.


Needless to say, I now have almost 8 hours of underwater footage and every single moment of it is really annoyingly just out of focus. I have some footage from the boat of Dolphins swimming along side the boat and that is all perfectly in focus - The camera was still in the waterproof housing. I also have some footage around the hotel, shot without the waterproof housing and that too is in focus. The conclusion is that the domed waterproof casing lens has not been designed to compensate for the diffraction of light when underwater.


I am really disappointed that all the footage is useless because it is out of focus. I am particularly disappointed because some of the subjects filmed, in particular what should have been some really impressive close up encounters with a Green Sea Turtle, Eagle Rays and Manta Rays are ruined because the waterproof case lens is not suitable for underwater filming. What is the point of a waterproof case if it does not allow you to film underwater. A complete waste of time and money! I should have opted for the GoPro.




Thats a bit odd as it usually performs well underwater - Sorry to hear you had a bad experience with it.



Hi, thanks for your comments.




Just for good order sake I thought you might like to see a couple a short clips to demonstrate the point I was making. Unfortunately the YouTube compression means the difference is not as significantly obvious to see as when viewing the files in their full HC format but hopefully you will still be able to see the difference to understand the point I am making.




Clip 1 - This is a close encounter with a green sea turtle. This is from the HDR-AS15 in its waterproof housing. You can easily see it but the focus is just annoyingly fuzzy.




Clip 2 - This is a pod of dolphins filmed from over the bow of the dive boat. The HDR-AS15 is still in its waterproof housing but the focus is so much more crisp.


As mentioned easrlier - Shame, the underwater scenes would have been stunning had the camera been in focus!



@Catmambo - you see, the video you linked was filmed with a flat door casing...