Poor music player


Poor music player

The smartphone in itself is powerful but the built-in music player does not match this powerness. No funny and powerful functions, like :

- a jackets screen-saver,

- a great integration of music finders like Shazam or others,

- a great integration of music sellers/distributors like Amazon, Deezer, Qobuz and others

- a "Sense-Me" system

- a Sony Music Store platform where we could upgrade our MP3 libraries to this Hi-Res music standard, when/where possible, for a reasonable amount of money

- music tracks should not be sorted alphabetically but by number of track


In other words, when we buy everything at Sony (phone/player and headset, etc), we deserve nice bonuses regarding music playing. For now, your costumers probably use another music player with your smartphones...


Hi @XavierB. and welcome to the UK Community :slight_smile:


Thanks for your thoughts 👍.

Sony don't respond on this forum but I'm sure they may see

some posts now and again 😉


Hello !


Yes, I know that SONY-Online don't have serious community managers... And SONY decided to mostly work on cameras instead of music-playing. Please, refer to my post on the SONY community, about my headset. This is propbably why they loose costumers, markets and some money, now.


So, after a lifetime of faithfulness to this Japanese brand, I'll surely do like most people do, and will choose another brand for my electronics, because costumers' faithfulness doesnt mean anything anymore for big companies like a SONY who now pretends to become a SAMSUNG...