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Xperia XZ Battery Care Feature Request


Xperia XZ Battery Care Feature Request

Please admin's if ive posted this into the wrong place could you move it.

The battery care feature works brilliant for me. Takes a week or more to figure out youre routine but now its got it.

Just a thought though, i think it would be handy for the battery care to say have a "travel mode".

This would be for when youre travelling in a car, train, plane etc, and have the phone plugged in. This way the phone would know not to allow the charge to reach past 90% until you disabled it.

also if some settings for "travel mode" could be added, for example. text size, ringer volume, screen brightness.

Lastly could the feature be turned on and off, not only by a setting in the notifacation bar, but by using NFC tags (i could hand one from the rear view mirror in my car) through the sony "Smart connect" App.

Just an idea though.

Thank you


Hey @vortexco!

This is a user based Support forum so there isn't quite any section for feature requests, so it's not wrong to post this in the section for the device it concerns. Slightly_smiling_Face 

I will make sure to forward it as user feedback for you internally, but please note that this does not mean that a change will be implemented - but I'll forward it nonetheless! Slightly_smiling_Face