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Uploading photos to Facebook - distorted


Uploading photos to Facebook - distorted

I am baffled by this problem.  I have had it ever since I bought the brand new Sony Xperia XZ and have not had this problem with any other phone.

Unless I upload photos to an album first or crop them so they are smaller any photos I upload to Facebook or to Facebook Messenger come out all distorted. It doesnt seem to happen on Whatsapp or any other application where you can upload photos (I dont use Instagram or Twitter) but it's driving me mad as I have to tinker with every photo I want to upload to Facebook to make it smaller.

I have tried adjusting the resolution but they are still pretty huge as standard at the lowest res (at least 2mb).

I cannot seem to find this problem anywhere on the internet - is it only me who has this problem?

I have tried updating the phone software and deleting and reinstalling facebook but to no avail.

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.


Thank you everyone.  Now I know what the issue is, I can go to my retailer and request a replacement phone.  I think I am going to have a fight on my hands though to get them to replace it considering I have had the phone for a couple of months now.  What an absolute pain!  You would have thought that Sony would have noticed this problem straight away during testing? I moved over to Sony due to a bad experience with Samsung as I believed their quality to be better, but not so sure now.....

Although it seems, that not everyone has this issue so maybe I just got unlucky?


Just an update on this.

Just installed the Android 7 update and this issue "seems" to have gone now. I did the upgrade this morning and all the oictures i have uploaded seem to be OK. I'm optimistic that the issue has been fixed (I wonder how as it seemed to be a hardware issue), but I'll be happy if it stays like this.

Perfomance seems slightly slower to read the card but not too bad.


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