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Battery care


Battery care

How long does it take for the 'battery care' feature to start kicking in? I have only had my XZ for just under a week, so is it a little too early?

Nothing else?  No music or using other apps?  I'd say 2-3 hours screen on time is the average.  It is really hard to say if you have normal battery drain cause it depends on what a user is doing on the device. 

Just because you're doing little else on your device it doesn't mean it won't consume battery.  You can check running apps via the developer settings>running apps. 

Try doing a bit of experiment,  compare your battery drain overnight 

1. 100% charge whilst on safe mode 

2.same but in normal boot mode

You will see that the drain will be more evident when there are apps running compare to when it is on safe mode (where only basic apps are available) 


Apps.. Website, Chrome mostly.. pictures received from clients.facebook, linkedin as well.some ebook reading .occasionally you tube.and other videos. But never use my unit for music.. Would that be fair enough for measly 10 hour battery life..?

In a normal day my battery goes from 100% to 70% after 15 hours on. Sometimes it's at 80% after those 15 hours. If I use the phone a lot, I still have about 40-50% left after 15 hours of use. Battery comsumption is affected a lot from background processes, mind, not only what you are actively using.


Recently I tried fully discharging the battery until it shut down. Then recharge it then pressed the start button. The xz was charged until 100%.after about 10 hours continues use with display brightness at 30%'using while using cellular Internet connection. Shutting down the NFL and GPs, WiFi I still have 50%battery juice remaining... Surprised a but. At this conditions I applied do you think it's reasonable battery consumption?