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WH-1000XM4 doesn't turn on and sony repairs says no fault found??

WH-1000XM4 doesn't turn on and sony repairs says no fault found??

Has anyone else had issues with sony repair centres? Twice in the last 6 months (!!) I've had to send off headphones for repair because (in September) they don't charge even when the red light is on - and the touch pad doesn't work, or now (in February) they won't charge, light doesn't come on, headphones won't even turn on (!!) and then Sony repairs send it back saying they "are unable to detect a fault"?? It seems a bit suspicious for them to stop working completely this often, and then mysteriously they work just fine? I'm wary of sony repairs saying this and then them failing (again) the month after the 1 year warranty is up 🤔😐 I charged them for multiple days, PC and outlet, different cables (mainly the one they came with but tried another to test it out), reset and initialised (before they wouldn't turn on since you obviously can't do it then lol), it feels like something is faulty but sony doesn't want to actually repair it or admit they're faulty?

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Hi @seattle713 


Sorry to hear you've had some problems charging them.

I will escalate this for you just to see if there is any more help available to you.

Are your contact details correct in your profile?