Sony Vaio VF1521A7EB - Can't Burn DVD's

Sony Vaio VF1521A7EB - Can't Burn DVD's

I have a Sony Vaio  SVF1521A7EB and I am unable to burn DVD's, the driver is mat*****a dvd-ram uj8e2 and when I go on device manager I get the following message.


' Windows cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged. (Code 19) ' 


I uninstalled the driver and re-started but it still dosn't work, any one know how to fix it?




Hi and welcome


A small change to your Vaio's Registry will probably cure your  problem and get your drive working again.  I recommend that you set a  System Restore Point before you start.


1.Press the ‘Windows’ key and press R.  In the Run box type: REGEDIT  , and hit enter.
2. Navigate to –




click  on this and locate UpperFilters in the right-hand window, (if it  exists) right click on UpperFilters and select Delete and then OK.
3. Under the same Registry Key locate LowerFilters, (if it exists) right click on LowerFilters and select Delete and then OK.
4. Quit Registry Editor and re-boot the computer, new registry values will be created that will hopefully cure the problem.


After  you remove the Upperfilters value and the Lowerfilters value, you may  possibly need to re-install your burning software if it doesn't work –  but this is not usually required


Good Luck!


Smiley Wink