Sata 3 support for the S Series (SA/SB)

Sata 3 support for the S Series (SA/SB)

It is known that the Vaio S series have hardware support for SATA III, which allows for maximum utilization of the latest SSD drives.

Its is also known that the previous version of BIOS (R1031H4) allowed the SA/SB notebooks to operate in SATA III mode.

However, after the new BIOS update (R2085H4), people with SATA III SSD drives have been reporting that their systems reverted back to SATA II mode:

My question to Sony Support is:

Should we expect from Sony to release a new update within the next few months, that will bring back the SATA 3 support?

If the answer is YES, then when should we expect this update to be released ?

If the answer is NO, then could you please tell us on which grounds have you made this decision (cease SATA III support)?

Since Vaio customers have paid for SATA 3 when purchasing their laptops, they at least deserve to know.

Thank you

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Hi DimosVaio and welcome.

This is a User forum for Users like you and me to give mutual support and Vaio Support will not reply here - so I suggest you contact Vaio Support direct to ask your question.  I doubt that another user can answer your question.

I am aware that this question has been asked before - strangely as far as I am aware not before in the English section - so we would appreciate it if you would share any information you get.

To contact Vaio Support, click on the Support Tab at the top of this page, select Get in Touch at the bottom of the next page, then select Vaio and Computing.  You will be asked to enter your Vaio's Serial Number after which you will see an email form and also a telephone number.

Good Luck


Dear Blencogo,

thanks for the detailed answer and the instructions on how to get in touch with Sony for my inquiry / complaint.

I have followed the suggested steps and sent Sony an email, describing the issue.

As soon as I get a response back, I will update my post and share with the rest of the users Sony's position on the SATA 3 support issue.



i tested my sony vaio sb and there was no sata 3 support any more, with an other laptop in the sb series

we flash downgraded the bios and all worked very well.

yes i payed 1K  euro for the laptop.§


Any luck with that. I have the same problem with my vpcse2