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Missing space


Missing space

Hi, I have a VGN-C2S/G running Vista looking at my 102 gig HD only 59.4 gig is free. Checking in programs and features I have 101 programs installed with a total size of 3.54 gig.I have no photos or video stored so anyone no whats using up the space????


Checking in programs and features I have 101 programs installed with a total size of 3.54 gig.

Hi co2laser,

Along with progam files on your Vaio's HDD you will have files and folders containing data in other areas, ie Windows, user data, etc.

However the missing HDD space could be due to the space used by Vista's System Restore..

You can check what space is being used and allocated to shadow storage by follow this guide..

Click Start, then click All programs followed by Accessories.

In Accessories Right Click on Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.

In the Command Prompt window type: vssadmin list shadowstorage and then click Enter

Hopefully you should see..

Used Shadow Copy Storage space:

Allocated Shadow Copy Storage space:

Maximum Shadow Copy Storage space:


Hi Thalamus,
Thanks for your reply results are:

Used Shadow copy space: 14.519 GB
Allocated shadow copy space: 14.95 GB
Maximum shadow space: 15.371 GB

Looks like still some missing space somewhere.

Checking in programs and features I have 101 programs installed with a total size of 3.54 gig

Why do you think there is still missing HDD space. :thinking:

Have you checked what else other than program files are using disc space, for example Windows itself should be using approximately 15+ GB..

You can check further by clicking on My computer and then click Edit and then select all files, then right click and select properties.