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Have VGC LV1S Windows 7 and itunes 9 Add CDs and is fine for a while then next day - all gone and itunes file has loads of temp files. Any solutions please?
Hi sammysad and welcome.
Vaio Media, and iTunes both name their media folders the same. This causes a conflict where they both remove 'alien' files from the folder.
Try renaming your iTunes music folder to something different and this will avoid the conflict.
Hi sammysad and welcome.
Vaio Media, and iTunes both name their media folders the same. This causes a conflict where they both remove 'alien' files from the folder.
Try renaming your iTunes music folder to something different and this will avoid the conflict.
I went to Music, renamed itunes our music, opened itunes, nothing there, went to Music and it had created its own itunes. Dragged my folder on and it loaded but won't stay. Have renamed back to itunes. Can get music in but it doesn't bring back playlists. Any other ideas please, getting frustrated because want to sync ipod.
Try creating a new folder in your user account called My Music and move the already created iTunes music folder contents to this.
Then when you open iTunes the next time, hold the Shift Key down and it will ask you for the path to the iTunes directory. Point it at your new location and everything should be OK.