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Bios Serial Number


Bios Serial Number

I have an old Vaio (model GRT786M). Recently I have noticed that the Serial Number in the Bios has been overwritten with a pattern of dots. The original disc that came with the computer no longer works so I cannot reset it back to its original state (it gives error please confirm model type when ran). Has anyone out there had a simmilar problem. If so or you know how to fix this please let me know.


Hi NHEBossMan,

have you tried resetting your BIOS back to default settings.?

If this does not help then I suggest you get in contact with Vaio support, to find contact details for Sony Vaio support..

Open Vaio support, either by clicking Support at the top of this page or use the following link:Vaio support

Under Log-in option 2: Select your VAIO model, next to Select Model Category - Select your model from the drop down list. In your case PCG-GRT

Then next to Select Model, PCG-GRT786M

Then click Log-In

Once logged select Get In Touch.