Video File Size Larger Than 2GB


Video File Size Larger Than 2GB

I have converted a few of my Blu-Ray films to mp4 format so I can keep the HD format,

However some of my conversions are larger than 2GB and will not play on the built in video player nor will it play on any 3rd party players including MOBO Player,

So my question is why or is there a limit on file size - If and I have decreased the file size to less that 2GB keeping the aspect ratio it plays fine

I have ruled out Audio bitrate, Frame rate, Resolution and Aspect ratio.

I find nothing on any documents stating the maximum file size so if it is out there could someone direct me to this and if it does not exsist could a Sony mod explain why this detail has been omitted from the manuals,

My phone knows the video is there, It is not larger than the FAT32 maximum limit or the FAT16 limit also 4GB unless in the case of FAT16 Sony has programmed the Xperia S to run like a Windows 98 or Millenium operating system.


I would like to say that I do not have any definitive answer on this (yet). I will have to escalate this issue for investigation.

Right now I'm running some tests myself to get a better understanding of this.


While this is not a solution to the issue, you could probably circumvent the problem by changing the file to a divX format. I'd be surprised if that would exceed 2 gig.


I have been able to shrink the files larger than 2GB to slightly less than 2GB and keep the mp4 HD format however doing so I have lost picture quality on some scenes for example the New Avengers movie

Converting to divx or xvid would mean I loose the HD quality I even tried flv to keep the HD quality but still certain films are telling me that the best size to keep everything intact is 2.2GB


I have done some tests and checked with some colleagues.

This problem is not related to file system. It's seems to be related to Android multimedia framework.

In Android GB the multimedia framework is limited to 2GB and enhanced to 4GB in ICS.

But app's that run their own framework/parses can also use code without this limitation.


I use a PC to transfer a 3GB video file ( mp4 ) for later play on a mini player connected to my TV. The 3 GB file is transfered to an SD card.  Then I play from the mini player to my TV , I can only watch 2GB and the video will freeze. I have tried to format my SD card with FAT32 and later NTFS, but only 2GB will be played. I have read all the comments but don"t see any solution.