Can't see who is calling


Can't see who is calling

Ayer se actualizó el software y ya no visualizo los contactos cuando entra o sale una llamada. No se han borrado de la lista de contactos, sólo ya no me aparecen con las llamadas

Yesterday the software was updated and I no longer see the contacts when a call comes in or out. They have not been deleted from the contact list, they just do not show up with calls



 BUenas tardes tengo un problema desdela ultima actulizacion del sofware cuando me llaman solo salen los numeros y ya no el nombre del contacto no reconoce mi agenda telefonica agradeceria me ayudaran a solucionar este problema

Good afternoon I have a problem since the last update of the software when they call me only numbers come out and no longer the name of the contact does not recognize my phone book thank you help me solve this problem