vTuner Offline on Some Devices [Nov 2014]


vTuner Offline on Some Devices [Nov 2014]

Hi all,


It looks as though vTuner is now off-line again on some devices. My own STR-DN1040 Receiver remains unaffected at this time however my BDP-S7200 Blu-ray is displaying the following message:


“This service cannot be accessed at this time because the server replied with incorrect or invalid information”.


Please report any other affected devices here for simplicity of colaborating the information, kindly do not start a new thread.


Thanks in advance!

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455 REPLIES 455

Read statement from vTuner, their services available normally on other
platforms? Why haven't Sony issued a 'statement of fact' on the outage?


Exactly my point.

In this instance vtuner are the "leccy company" & sony the "bill payer"

This isn't affecting any other vtuner partners, so how is it a vtuner problem?

They've simply had enough of sony being penny pinching & sneaky & so they are taking steps to try to hurt them.

But the 1050 isn't using vtuner by the look of the spec.s So why can't they issue a firmware update for other models to align them with their new "chosen" internet radio partners?

In all honesty, I would have had that in the works ever since the last outage 



Totally agree, a simple firmware update would be good,  just change the code pointing at vTuner to another provider unless of course there are contractual issues as to which model supports which Internet provider. At the end of the day, Sony should fulfil their contractual obligations with Vtuner if what vTuner say is correct and I have no reason to doubt vTuner. They sound pretty miffed at way they are being treated and they provide a good service on other media! 

Sent from Samsung Mobile
Not applicable

@wilsonmfw wrote:
Totally agree, a simple firmware update would be good, just change the code pointing at vTuner to another provider

Unfortunately its a whole lot more complicated that that :slight_smile:



How so?

If the 1050 can go with Pandora why can't the 1040?

What's the big deal?

Not applicable

@Pistabacsi wrote:

How so?

If the 1050 can go with Pandora why can't the 1040?

What's the big deal?

The DN1040 is just one device for a start.  Umm, lets think this through.


  • Sony must identify which devices could potentially accept a FW upgrade
  • A net radio provider needs to be chosen (and contract negotiations must take place) - signed off by legal depts etc - all this can take weeks/months
  • The net radio provider must have/implement sufficient infrastructure to handle the extra traffic as well as being able to identify which device is what through their authentication servers
  • Firewall rules must be modified between provider and Sony network
  • Firmware needs to be developed.  Many devices/models have different operating systems and core hardware architecture design and hence the different firmware must be developed to suit each device AND model
  • Testing needs to be conducted in labs, and then on a small scale
  • Rolling out the FW is the last stage in a long line of things that need to be done

I am sure there is a lot more too this too, but you hopefully get my drift.


Contractual issues no doubt!

Simple answer, Sony pays vTuner and we all get back to normal service!

Sent from Samsung Mobile


Fair point.

However I believe affected devices are known.

A net radio provider appears to have already been identified (if the specs to newer equipment are to be believed).

I have to assume sony have checked out their capability to support traffic etc. before dealing with them.

Or did the 1050 (& any other device using alternative services) get developed without all that in mind?

I understand what you're saying. I spent the last 10 years in the mobile communications & electronics industries & the hoops to jump through for electronics companies are pretty daunting. But they do tend to jump through those hoops before introducing the features into a commercially available product.

In addition, the whole point of being able to upgrade firmware on these gadgets is to improve & "future-proof" them to a certain degree.

So it seems fairly standard (across the industry) that launches of new models would come at the same time as upgraded firmware for previous gen models, especially where software is concerned.

Just look at phone & computer OS updates for example.



You do the "game" of Sony (its not my fault, its a VTuner problem and so on)


Maybe the law of consumption is not the same in England (?)

In France, by law, a seller can not tell a customer "it is not my fault, because my supplier" ...


Thus, the problem is simple with the law "is what I got what I bought or not ?"

(Seller problems are not the customer's problems)