vTuner Offline on Some Devices [Nov 2014]


vTuner Offline on Some Devices [Nov 2014]

Hi all,


It looks as though vTuner is now off-line again on some devices. My own STR-DN1040 Receiver remains unaffected at this time however my BDP-S7200 Blu-ray is displaying the following message:


“This service cannot be accessed at this time because the server replied with incorrect or invalid information”.


Please report any other affected devices here for simplicity of colaborating the information, kindly do not start a new thread.


Thanks in advance!

The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14
455 REPLIES 455


You have ALL stations restored?


sorry, I did not know that my English was so bad.
(But I have spoken with English people, using my very bad English, while this afternoon...)


So I ask simply: what country you live ?



I will try and report here the result.
(I hope you can understand me :slight_smile: )

@MK_Slinky"Funny" my answers are hard to read... I will try to re-format it"


...France is also back on-line again! Hoorah!!..."


Humm...tested (of course not only with presert) Its a fairy tale, nothing change..


MK_Slinky : again, strangely you dont answer to so simple question ...what is the name of your country, where Sony internet radio service work again ?

(If you continue to not answer, to so simple question, perhaps my English is too bad to be understanded... or perhaps are you the hidden C.M. ?)


Even with my (very) bad English, I use the internet since 1994, I have seen / read many things that can help to "understand" some hidden things...


Sure, my English is too bad, we know that. :laughing:


Hello Audrey,


Maybe try refreshing the list on your device will help. Having said that, if your service has only just come back on line perhaps some more stations will follow over the coming days. I had some more added on my Blu-ray after I did a refresh of the list.


No it's not a case that I don't answer your questions, the answers are already here in this post if you look. However just to clarify yes I am in the UK and yes unfortunately I am finding your English difficult to comprehend, sorry! All credit to you though for giving it a go, my French was terrible when I was at school.


Am I the hidden CM? I can't answer that one!! :smileyshhh:


Do you use Firefox web browser? There's a good translator you could use on their if it helps?

The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14

We may talk about formats of channels, some refresh attempts and some countries where one or the other channel may be deliverd or not (out of a massively reduced list compared to an earlier stage) as long as we want, fact is:


Sony and/or vTuner are preventing us from relevant information and from an inherent device feature - and this is what matters and this ist what we should concentrate on in this thread.

It's the only way to keep up some pressure.


At this point I'd like to stress, that neither Sony nor vTuner are responding to my requests - so I assume they're both completely aware of the fact and are implicitly accepting it - in disadvantage of their customers, which is lousy at least for an international big size company.


@MK_Slinky nevertheless, let's wish each other a merry Christmas in a few days in this thread instead of a card - hopefully THE TWO OF US being able to listen to our favourite seasonal internet radio channels in the background out of our Sony devices while writing some cheerful lines :thumbsup: 


The vTuner service is now working on my Blu ray player BDP S5200, here in Spain. Unfortunately, my favorite station (www.streamingsoundtracks.com) is not selectable among the ones in soundtrack category. Since I bought the device in the middle of the "blackout", I'm not sure if that station was available previously.


Pista's log:

Day 19 & still no change in "service".


Received a 2nd email from Mr Bolton who deftly dodged the 6 Music question, but he informs me that the other station I suggested will be added in their "next update".

I did reply repeating my question, but I suspect he's in a different time zone.

Fingers crossed.


Sony support are trying to send me to the repair centre. Not entirely sure what they'll do though.


Now composing a letter to the Customer Protection Authority.




Spain is back on-line? Horrah!!


Hey there,


Thanks for the update, sorry to hear however that one of your favourite stations is now also missing! Sine there are so many stations and so many users worldwide I suppose it's innevitable that some of us will lose some stations here and there.


I know a lot of people here have been angered even more recently, especially in the knowledge that service has resumed here in the UK, possibly France and now also Spain. Why it happened in this order and not all at once I cannot say but I think for those people still complaining they have to play the waiting game a little longer the same as we all have.


At least you can now enjoy vTuner at long last, no doubt you'll find some new favourite stations to listen too, we do still have lots to choose from. :wink:

The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14

@teinob I fully agree with your statement!

Here in the Netherlands it is still not solved at all. (refreshing and so on does not make any difference, still got only a few internet stations. approx 10% from what we had before)


SONY support keeps pointing to vTuner and takes no responsibility at all on this.

By far this is the worst support i have ever seen.


@MK_Slinky I am a bit suprised how positive you are about Sony after more then 7 weeks of offline and problems with vTuner. Besides that, i want to remember that we (and you) have absolutely no guarantee for the future on this one... Again, sony should provide a more durable solution in my opinion.