UBP-X800 Netflix Sound Issue


UBP-X800 Netflix Sound Issue

Hello all,

First time here so go easy on me.......


So I have my nice new x800 hooked up to my projector so me & the Mrs can watch 'her' favourate Netflix series at 100 inches. Quality is great and very happy with my purchase.


The other night we fancied taking a look at 'Stanger Things', Netflix fired up, looked great and sent Dolby Digital to my reviever and all was good - Until - Episode 1 finished.


4 seconds later when Netflix's countdown completed episode 2 fired up but there was no sound.


Total silence for around 5-6 seconds and then a 'quick burst of sound'....Silence....around 5-6 seconds and then a 'quick burst of sound'.....Silence.....around 5-6 seconds and then a 'quick burst of sound'  etc etc


You get the picture ?


The only way to get it to work again was to close down Netflix and restart it from the home screen, then, Episode 2 has perfect sound again  ! ! ! !


Has anyone else experienced this, any idea how to stop it doing this anoying thing ?


Many Thanks




Hello @pscammp,


I too use the UPB-X800 for Netflix streaming and have never experienced said issue.


Did you try another cable?


- Nic


Same problem here. And more...sometimes when watching Netflix, the image freezes, no sound at all, but the subtitles continue. Very strange. From that moment on, no single button on the remote control works. The only thing that works is to unplug the power cord and restart the X800. Very frustrating! I have tried many things to solve the problems. Nothing worked. Even a factory reset has not solved the problems.


Same problem here. Did you find a solution?


Contacted Sony, this is what I got back. Can’t be bothered with all that so will just exit the app and relaunch.


Dear Mr Shaw
Thank you for your recent email
With reference to your enquiry regarding your Sony UBP-X800, we are sorry to learn that the
volume is low when you watch applications.
Kindly follow the below trouble shooting steps in attempt to solve the issue:
1-Unplug the main power cord of the unit, and plug it back after 2 minutes.
2-Make sure that the device is running the latest software version following the link below:
3-Perform factory reset following the steps in pages 19-25:
4-Connect your Bluray to hotspot:
-Go to settings on your mobile phone
-Type in the search bar Hotspot
-Enable personal hotspot.
On your Bluray:
Home -set up- network settings- wireless set up -then choose the name of your smart-phone and enter the password
If the above did not help in rectifying the issue, we are seeking your kind patience to provide us the below information so we can investigate the issue further:
1-What is the device ID?
2- What is the current firmware installed on the device. Please write the exact version.
3- What is the MAC Address?
4- What is your Post Code?
5- What is the internal device IP Address? (You may refer back to the internet service provider for further assistance)
6- What is the public IP address by visiting www.whatismyip.com?NA
7- What is the internet Service Provider Name?
8- What is the actual internet speed using SpeedTest.net?
9- What is the network environment: i.e. FTTH, Broadband?
10- Are you using VPN / Proxy / Anonymizer / TOR service to access the internet?
11- What is the brand and model of the router?
12- What is the results of connecting your TV with your personal hotspot?
13- How is your device connected to the internet? Wired or Wireless?
14- When did the issue start?
15-Does the issue occur with other applications?
16- Please provide us with a short video showing the issue.
Should you have any further questions, please feel free to reply to this e-mail.
Thank you for your enquiry.
Yours sincerely,


Some years passed, and I saw this problem reported when I first experienced it back in 2019. I was expecting a software (firmware) update will handle it soon. Yesterday I updated my UBP-X800 player to the latest firmware and connected it to another Amplifier (Yamaha DSP-A1, which has no HDMI). It detected displaying: "48kHz, Dolby Digital," and it appeared as 5.1. So far, so good!!!

After the film ended and Netflix turned to the following advert, the sound disappeared as usual... The amp display was showing sometime 48kHz, then blank and alternating. Seems like an AC3 stream sync issue. Restarting Netflix solved the problem, as before. Changed the amplifier and cable (both work with other configurations). Reviewed the settings... No idea how it can be solved, but annoying. Anyone an idea?