bluray S560 cant change WPA code

bluray S560 cant change WPA code


Can anyone help please ?

My S560 stopped playing the occasional brand new disc saying they couldn't be read. I have tried to update the firmware but I can't connect to the internet. My wireless connection is scanned by the machine fine but everytime I try ( and try and try) to imput a new WPA code ( we had a new modem and new access code a couple of months ago) the same eight digit old password ******** comes up and are not replaced by the new 12 numbers and symbols.

i genuinely have tried A LOT and can only think that A) I am missing something so obvious  B) the code is locked in somehow even though I have tried a reset etc

Any ideas would be most welcome. Even other ways to get the final Game of Thrones working!!

Thank you


Hi there,


Welcome to the Sony Community.


I would suggest to reset the player settings to the factory default which should resolve the issue you are having with the WPA code.  You can find more details on how to do this on 'page 62' of the manual here.


Let me know how you get on.


Best wishes,


Sean  Mc