bdp-s760 blu disc play problems

bdp-s760 blu disc play problems

I have a bdp-s760. Have always kept it up to date firmware wise and never had any problems.

Until Now.....

I have recently brought "Lawrence Of Arabia" and "Steel Panther British Invasion" on Blu and they both will not load. It states "Invalid" on the front panel and "unknown" on screen for the name of the disc.

All other 50 odd Blus Run perfectly. However if I try them after the above has happened it can cause upset with working discs..

I have seen references to this problem elsewhere with mentions of lasers going wrong etc but I exclude that as "older discs" all seem to run ok...Is this just a case of new firmware for BD compatibility? I'm assuming its some sort of java authoring that the current firmware cannot cope with ...

I have lodged an email with Sony but nothing seems to be happening. This Machine last had firmware 21 months ago!! Now do I hold on to these discs that do not work in the hope of a fix or risk wasted money?

Ironic thing is "Lawrence" is a Sony films disc ..doesn't work on a Sony player ... hmmmmmmm

Anybody heard of any incoming firmware?



2 months on and despite my asking Sony to "escalate it" have heard or seen nothing.....really , really frustrating..I know that they cannot do a fix for every individual case but there should be some sort of timed "rollup" of fixes..this machine is now coming up to the 2 years mark without an mentioned above I have even pointed out a firmware on another sony machine that it does work on so at least they have a comparison but it looks like they are not even going to bother...

*catmambo* ...from your post above...have you any influence in this area - would REALLY appreciate our help if so..


go to sony canada, they have a firmware update for this model, as uk obviously not supporting anymore.

they have version 014 which improves playability over the version 011, i did it today and can watch my films again.