Sony Giga Juke freezes on start up


Sony Giga Juke freezes on start up

I have a Sony Giga Juke HCD-S500HDE.


The unit has been working fine for the past month with no issues, when I went to start it up yesterday on the loading screen there was an error message "repairing HDD" this last for about an hour, then the error message "please wait. Turning off after setting is applied" it has remained on this ever since!


I have left it over night, tried turning it off/on and tried performing a hard reset with the stop and power buttons together.


I have spoken to sony, they suggested posting the Giga Juke to their repair centre but this is not possible for me as I am currently abroad.


There must be another way to reset the machine?? or another to boot it up??


Please help as it is unusable at the moment!!!




Not that I am aware of..