Hello, I'm at the end of my wit trying to solve this problem....
I have the above model of giga juke, and I am trying to connect it back to my sony vaio. This was working up until a couple of months ago and has now stopped. When I go to 'Network Media' and try to connect to my laptop, it shows the 'Server Access Failed' error message.
I have the giga juke hard wired to my router (netgear) and my vaio is connected wirelessly to the router.
I have gone through the instructions of how to connect the giga juke many times to no avail.
I have a feeling it might be something to do with the IP address, but I'm not sure...
As I said it was working perfectly before and I can't think of anything that might have triggered it to stop working.
If anyone feels they could maybe help shed some light on this I would really appriciate it! 