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Slow data buffer transfer to SD card - HX100V

Slow data buffer transfer to SD card - HX100V

I'm finding that the data buffer to SD card transfer is too slow - almost 15 seconds after a 10 shot burst - during which the camera is out of action. After a single shot it is about 5 seconds before the camera is functional again and this makes it useless for sports photography. The burst mode fixes the focus on the first shot and you can't take individual shots due to this slow data transfer. Even if the firmware allowed 10 individual shots to be stored before making a transfer it would make the camera very much better. If anything the camera appears to be deliberately hobbled in this respect.

I'm using a class 6 SD card. I'm thinking of spending money on a faster card but have doubts about that helping.

This seems to be the biggest weaknes of this particular camera and it is frustrating me enormously. Once again I've bought a bridge camera hyped up to be excellent for sports photography (skiers coming towards me!) and it just doesn't cut it at all - not even close.

If anyone has any suggestions how to improve this - other than Sony un-hobbling the firmware then please let me know. If anyone can hack the firmware and correct this problem then even better!


Hi skicoach, welcome to the Sony Forums :slight_smile:

That 10fps burst is quite remarkable for a compact and on the face of it, makes it an ideal sports shooter. However, this is achieved by writing (buffering) the 10 frames to internal memory, which then has to be written to the card. You can't simultaneously write to and from the internal memory, hence the long delay. As you suggested, a faster card will obviously not help the internal memory situation.

You shouldn't get a delay with a single shot unless you have the camera in Continuous mode. Switching to Single should make it more responsive. You'll also get less of a delay the fewer shots in your burst... I guess you've worked that out for yourself :thinking: but I'm afraid the buffering isn't a firmware issue, it's the way the camera is designed to work.

Sorry I can't be of any more help.


Thank you for the warning not to waste money on a faster SD card.

In "single shot" with the "Advanced Sports" mode it takes about 5 seconds for each shot to clear through the system - even at low resolution - displaying the shot meantime with no apparent option to NOT display it. This MUST be a firmware issue if the camera can buffer 10 shots at full resolution - and it is not acceptable. If you are a Sony employee then you are either seriously misinformed (which I hope is the case) or lying. The camera is practically useless for sports photography and is a big disappointment. The publicity claims are literally fradulent because they hide the sad reality of this limitation. You cannot track any fast moving action with a camera that shuts down for 5 seconds after each and every shot - and you cannot use a "burst" mode with action that moves rapidly towards the camera and where no parameters can be changed during the burst. Sony publicity does not even hint at those big problems and the fact that combined together they render this camera almost completely useless for most sport. This IS a firmware issue - and probably deliberate so as to push people towards more expensive cameras. Shame on you Sony. Please - if anyone can hack this firmware and sort it out then do so ASAP! It's clear that this is a Sony policy issue so there will be no fix from Sony.

In fact I think this IS an issue with the speed of the SD card you are using. I did a quick, "non scientific" test with a standard class 6 SD card and can not confirm your statements.

When using the 10fps high speed mode it takes about 7 after one burst before the next can be captured

In Sports Auto mode the camera takes images approximately eacht 2 seconds.

Please try another card.

The missing option to disable AUTO review is indeed something Sony should consider to improve, probably with a firmware update.