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Reduced options and settings in more recent models?

Reduced options and settings in more recent models?

Hi. My DSC-W270 was recently stolen and now Im trying to find a replacement. There are a few cybershots that Ive liked the lookd of, but there seem to be a number of settings that dont seem to be available in the newer cameras (please tell me if Im right or wrong as I have not had access to th instruction manuals):

1. The ability to turn off the picture preview - I want this turned off as it wastes time in between shots as well as battery power.

2. The ability to adjust the flash level - The default flash setting is often too bright and I prefer to be able to reduce the intensity or increase it as the situation dictates

3. Overall exposure - Do the new cameras allow you to over / under expose the photos?

4. Colour modes - Do the new cameras allow you to set the colour to b&w / sepia etc?

The first 3 are options that Im not sure I can live without. Am I correct in thinking this options are no longer available? Are there any others that Im missing?



Hello helderandjen - Welcome to the Sony Forums :slight_smile:

Regarding the picture preview, usually this is a fixed feature but the time between shots can be reduced by using a higher speed memory card and also if you lower the resolution of the images, the file size will be smaller and this will speed things up too (a lot of people leave their camera on the highest image quality when, unless you require large prints, a middle level is more practical).

The higher performance Cybershot models will offer the best range of features that you describe in your message:

In particular, the Exmor sensor used within these models will automatically adapt the photo conditions to perform well in low light or, if you prefer, you have full control over white balance, exposure and different colour modes too. Take a look at the full range, as well as the other more compact selection of models and you will see on the site.

