Meet our photo competition winner

"I'm not afraid" / Mcsaba"I'm not afraid" / McsabaWe would like to present to you the winner of our competition on the topic of "holes". Read the interview and discover more about the photographer and the story behind his image.


Firstly, can you please tell us a little about yourself and why you took up photography?

I'm living in Budapest, Hungary and I'm a mathematician, working as a senior engineer at an IT company. As a serious passion I do photography for some dance companies and theatres. I started photography during my university study in the late '80s, my camera was a Praktica MTL 5B (still own it) and 2 lenses.


How did you feel when you were told you had won the competition?

I'm very proud of getting the first place among the numerous excellent pictures.


Tell us what inspired you to capture this image.

I always try to make pictures with a strong, simple message and I'm happy that I succeeded with that this time. I had the inspiration from the Italian movie "Io non ho paura" (I'm not scared).


Can you share some tips that could help other photographers to create photos worthy of entering a competition?

My "tip" is to make some previous planning before going to shoot and looking others' work often helps to see what is working and what's not.