
Sony KD-55A1

Hello, I am looking for advice regarding my A1 OLED TV.

The TV has developed a fault whereby parts of the picture has a green tinge, following advice from forums I displayed a red screen and you can see a sizeable dark shading in the picture.


The TV is 4 years old but has a 5 year warranty.


I contacted Hughes TV who sent out an engineer who could see the issue so Hughes are attending on Monday to take the set back for investigation.


The engineer suggested meanwhile I contact Sony support to see if the can advise of any rectification.


I spoke with Sony support yesterday and they said they would deal with this issue.


Someone is ringing back today.


My question is who would be best dealing with this Sony or Hughes who sold me the set.


Thanks in advance for any help or advice.

Community Team

Hey naimdvd5, the email says they're going to exchange it, good luck. ^^