
Sony Bravia updates

I would describe my own personal experiences of my contacts with Sony support acording to their firmwares.


Personaly I would say that they act incompently- instead of listening to what a customer says,they always will blame you for being incompetent.

But in 99% of the cases it's something with the software ( or in worst case hardware).


But as everybody knows an app ( or as Sony themselves says Firmware), is not the same as an *exe file.

Since an exe file is running from an physical drive( and has an executive file= register file), but an app doesn't have this.

Since an app is streamed directly from an server( online).

But also that an app needs constant updates( refreshment).


Because however everyone with an smartphone/ tablet/ Computer knows that if you are not online your device become dead( a black box full of dead electronics)- and also that if you refuse to update your device will be useless.


So what what my point of view is that when Sony finaly releases an update it's too late- because the app has already crashed ( locked).

Not only once,but in worst cases 3 times( maybe more).


As my own personal experiences when I finaly can get an update- it's after 1 year.

But since an app has a  shorter lifespan ( Best before date), it's technicaly impossibel to has an app older than 3 months.