Sony Bravia KD43XH8096 sound problem

Sony Bravia KD43XH8096 sound problem


Can someone help me with a niggling problem with our Android TV. A Freesat Box is connected to the TV with a HDMI lead and the TV is connected to a Denon Soundbar by an optical lead ( the Denon has no HDMI sockets). I also have a DVD player connected to the TV with a HDMI lead.

If we use the Freesat Box to view TV and have the sound set at a nice level and then we switch to using the TV  to view Netflix or Youtube with no adjustment to the volume, the sound level blasts out and annoys the neighbours. The only way we can switch from using the Freesat Box to viewing Netflix app/ Youtube app on the TV is to remember to turn the volume down prior to making the switch. This we sometimes forget to do.

Is there a way of turning the volume down within the Android TV settings when using Netflix or Youtube so it doesn't keep blasting out of our soundbar?

Many Thanks




In the audio settings of your tv there is a slider for the digital audio out the by default is set to max. You can use that

Thanks for the reply rooobb. When i went to the digital audio out volume setting - it required the audio to be set to PCM (what ever that is). I did this and then there was certainly volume adjustment using the Netflix/Youtube apps - but because I lowered this volume - I had to increase the Soundbar volume when I switched back to TV through the Freesat Box - that then increased the volume when switching to the TV Netflix/Youtube Apps. I was sort of chasing my tail with adjusting the TV out volume and then adjusting the Soundbar volume. The sound also when I switched to PCM mode also seemed a bit flat. What I was looking for was a method to just lower the volume of the TV's Netflix/Youtube without affecting the volume of watching TV through the Freesat Box. I guess this may not be possible.

Pcm is stereo for this reason is flat. I do not remember if you can tell the tv to adjust the volume per channel (using the action menu) rather than the general.  Otherwise I think you should find a way to set it up of the freebox