Sony android tv screen cracked on its own


Sony android tv screen cracked on its own

undefinedHello if anyone can help....I Brought my fella a Sony android tv in Feb for his birthday,  he is one of those OCD kind of guy all of his possession are immaculate..... can't really explained it well there is a burnt mark on the inside of the telly bottom left hand near the corner and then it looks like a crack coming from it there is no physical damage to the tv as from the outside you can't see a scratch or when the telly is off you can't see any crack or scratchs it looks like it Broken from the inside  Sony said the wount fix it .as it's a physical damage that cannot be the case surly there would be s crack or some kind of damage from the out side of the tv .... 


i was doing some research and read that crack on the inside of the TV screen is considered a thermal crack from heat (an internal failure) not impact damage. The tv is 3 months old and mounted on a wall therefore not able to be easily touched or knocked..... I have also done some research on the tv were the same issue has happened to others well just the burnt mark on the exact same location on the telly 


Is that possible a thermal crack and Sony won't fix it??? I have spent lot of money on it 😞undefined

The other tv I saw in the net undefined


Not applicable

Hi there


As the TV is only 3 months old as you say, have you contacted the retailer you purchased it from?  As they are normally the first port of call for products less than 12 months old.


Also, the model number of the TV might help too. 


In regards to the images from other website, I do not know what they are referring to.  Light bleed??  Either way, the model of XBR-55X700D is a USA model - so the consumer affairs advise might be US based?


Some 'light' reading can be found in the links from this thread:




Yes the retailer just said we need to contact Sony the model number is KD43X8307c I bought the tv in Feb  the tv worked for three months and then this happened surly if it was physical damage there would be scratch on the outer surfaces.... from the burnt mark on the edge and reading it about it seems like there was thermal crack

Not applicable

Hi there


I have escalated this thread to Sony Support in order for them to re-investigate.  Once done, they should be in contact with you.  If I also hear anything, ill post back too.



PS: Im not a Sony employee, so I have no say or power on what their conclusions are.


Thank you hopefully it gets resolved if you understand how I feel with out, fault of our own!

Unbelieavable...I probably should have come accross this post before spending any more money with Sony...

Sunddenly I have a crack on my KD-55XE8596 which looks like physical damage, but the TV is mounted on the wall since day 1 and no one physically touched since...unbeliavable...DSC_0003 (1).JPG

And just received a response from Sony with "We regret to inform you that under our warranty terms and conditions, physical and cosmetic damage are not covered under warranty and therefore any services applied to the unit will be chargeable.".

What I joke...


I have now initiated all legal procedures with European Consumer Centre and with Small claims court and I will not accept losing 860eur because of poor built quality of Sony products.

I suspect the issue is with the built quality of the TV when mounted in a wall as the crack is today a little bit bigger than yesterday.

Good luck Sony and if this is not solved properly it will be my last purchase with this brand (FYI I use mobile phones and Sony cameras).



I have just seen this.


This just happened to my 55" XG9505 LCD for no reason whatsoever.


Richer sounds is not interested the place of purchase as they keep saying impact damage but there is 0 damage or scratches to the screen, I look after my products probably more carefully than most people so this is infuriating to me why it happened.


I will not be going anywhere near any Sony products in future or Richer Sounds for that matter where I have made lots of purchases from.


I hope you got yours sorted.