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Serious software FFA Data and .CSV problem..need expert help!

Serious software FFA Data and .CSV problem..need expert help!

TV (KDL-50W807W) seems stuck on some software main screen is giving system info. on the TV.

I can get to a screen titled "Jig Less Menu" but whenever you try accessing any of the sub-menus it just states at the bottom of the screen "Jigless data version error" You can only get out by the exit option..which takes me back to the main system info screen again.

I tried downloading and installing latest firmware version on USB but TV does not seem to recognise there is a USB attached?

Tried all the re-set/factory re-set instructions but they have no affect on the TV...even the power off buttons on the TV and remote do not switch off the TV either??

Here are some of the messages I get on screen that may help someone who knows what they mean be able to help me on what I can do to fix this...


Screen 1..


FFA Data Error

JiglessSequence.csv not found


Screen 2..


Jigless Data version error.

Seq File version=0

Diff Data version=0

FFA Data error


MAIN SCREEN gets locked on here and on contains this info (amongst other info)...

DM_ver  :PDM0.006WWK

PSW_ver  :PKG2.069.EUA

FSW.ver  :2093.0090_EUA

The above seem to be some of the main info messages on the few screens I can access. I hope someone can understand what's going on and how I can get the system up and running again. Can't express how grateful I would be!!

Regards, Gary..and thanks for taking time to consider.



Not applicable

Hi there


You've listed your TV model as: KDL-50W807W. Can you please confirm, as this model doesnt exist.  Specifically the last letter after 807 ?


In regards to your immediate problem, are you in the service menu/mode by any chance?  This you woild need to exit.



Yes, sorry you are right! Model is KDL-50W807C

Thanks for noticing that!


I dont know if I am in service mode I'm afraid. I did download a "service manual" and noticed it had how to enter and exit that mode..I will try the remote buttons combination to escape service mode if it is locked in that...thanks..will let you know if it works,


Not applicable

Yes, let me know how you get on.  The info you have provided does indicate you are in the service menu.  


Although i cant figure out which screen your in, from the screenshots in the service manual.

Back again..just tried getting it out of service mode (if it was in it anyway?) but no luck. Maual says press Menu/Home together to exit service mode but remote has no effect. (tried all combination etc)

I tried putting it into service mode by pressing Display/5/vol+/power off in quick succession, but nothing.

The TV comes on as soon as the power is swotched on and neither the remote or back buttons can turn it off..I have to pull the power to it turn off. I doubt the remote or back buttons are faulty, as they both work fine on selection when moving about th few pages I can access. Oh, and when I turn the power on I get the Sony logo with a White light at the bottom of the TV..which turns Green when it enters the screens I can get to access to.

I have taken a few pictures of the 2 screens I can access?

PS. one of the screens says no USB present, but I do have one connected with the latest Firmware file on it.


Not applicable

Hi there


Unfortunately i do not know how to help you resolve this im afraid.  So I have escalated this thread to Sony Support for them to assist.  They should be in contact with you in the next day or so.



Thanks Quinnicus for all your attempts to help today and for passing it on to the right people..I really do appreciate it. Have a nice evening and thanks again, you have been great!
