Refresh rate of external sources

Refresh rate of external sources

Hi, I have two questions:


(Q1): I'm currently using Sony XG85 with Android 9.0 and I would like to find out, what is refresh rate of the external HDMI sources. I mean I want to find out if the external source (XBOX) is 59.94Hz or 60.00Hz. Is there some way to find out? When I press i+ button, there's only resolution, aspect ratio, HDR format and sound format. 


(Q2): That TV has a 120Hz screen even though there's no support of 120Hz external sources (according to Sony's specs website). But I tried to send 120Hz signal to TV from older XBOX One X - it worked, but since no game on XBOX One X is capable of reaching 120fps and currently we have no other device which is capable of outputting 120Hz signals at home, I don't know if that TV is capable of displaying 120Hz from HDMI as it really is or if it's just downgrading 120Hz signals to 60Hz and then sending it to that 120Hz screen. Is there somebody who knows the answer to that?


I don't think there is a way to show the actual frequency of the input signal, you should rely on the information on the source device. 120hz input limitation is related only to 4k HDR signal for which you need hdmi 2.1 . Fhd 120hz is supported also by hdmi 2.0 and theorically also 4k 120 Hz with 8 bit color (no HDR)

Thank you for your response,


So is there a possibility to use 120Hz on this TV? It's great, if it's true, thanks.

Not applicable

Hey @adydasyt,


The TV doesn't support 120FPS, I don't think it'll push that high on games.
The fact that you can lower the graphics to push high FPS on games, doesn't mean that the panel will cope up with it.
But I'd recommend just making sure that the HDMI signal format is on ''Enhanced''.



Not the same exact model, but I don't see why it shouldn't cope with those kind of source...

Not applicable

Cause it's not meant to reflect in gaming, it's more of a different refresh rate for the motion flow, and even if you ask Sony they won't confirm. So basically you're blindly shooting cause sometimes it'll work, and sometimes it wont, maybe the game you're playing and how you set the graphics settings would help, but that's about it.