
Power on behaviour

I've just bought Sony XR-55A80K and wondered if anyone has issues with the "power on behaviour" setting. I've set it to "last used input" which should mean that when the TV is switched on it will display TV channel (as this is last used input and TV was switched off from TV channel). Problem is that it always displays home page. I've set it multiple times to "last used input" but it always displays the home page. I've reported to Sony and gone through all the steps such as "reset to factory settings" but this is a brand new TV which I've only just taken delivery of and set up. If this is a known problem I'd expect Sony to just tell me that it doesn't really work but am reaching out to community for any real world examples of it working/not working.

Not applicable

It would be interested to see what Google has to say about it! But so far the literal translation for the feature is that it will either go to the last input, or the home screen.

Hi, I have just purchased the XR55A95K and have the same issue so would be interested to know what the outcome is. I have set to last input, exited settings, powered down and then back up again after a few seconds and it has powered up to the last TV channel but try this again after a few minutes and it goes back to powering up to the home screen.

Community Team

Hello @kjh18091, as far as I understand and as per the above thread, this feature isn't responsible to get the last watched channel, yet it's supposed to get the last HDMI input used (such as Home page which is the regular TV channels, or another HDMI connected device)


So if the last input were regular TV channels, the TV will switch on to the Home page. If the last input was Virgin Sky box for example, the TV will turn on to this input, etc.

There are two sources of regular TV channels, there is 'Live TV and Catchup' on the home page which is the 'YouView' app basically, and then there is the straightforward 'Digital TV' channels. If you select 'Source' you are presented with a set of tiles depicting the various inputs, this includes one for 'TV' and if selected it will give an option between standard 'digital' channels and 'live TV and catchup' channels, select which one you want and it will ask if you want to use this source once or always.

Community Team

@kjh18091, so the "Last input used" feature used to get you the last input whether it was live TV channel or Catchup app? and when did it stop?


Also have you checked if your TV software is up to date

New XR-48A90K with up to date software in UK, when selecting ‘power on behaviour’ ‘Google TV home screen’ or ‘Last used input’ are the only choices, I hoped it would return to the channel last watched but it seems not to be the case, only hope an update might address this

Did a power reset to try getting TV mic to respond to OK Google and now when powered off for more than 30 sec It powers back on to the last TV channel when turned off, ALL Good, that said OK Goole another matter ......

Hi @nickmaddison   Have you turned on the microphone switch at the back. I also find that using the microphone on the remote first gives you a chance to agree to the privacy settings and permissions.


 Thanks have turned Mic switch off and on. the yellow LED on TV responses as expected but OK Google not available/working , remote mic behaves as expected but no permission  there or in the privacy menu settings will keep trying

Spoke too soon 

Power on behaviour, If I go to Google Home page ‘home’ and from there pick an app and turn TV off when you restart after 30 sec it will open the Google home page.

If you pick from the ‘select input menu’ button with ‘right arrow into box’ then turn off wait 30 sec turn on it then it opens ‘TV’ digital

For a while with ’YouView’ selected (live TV and catch up) from ‘select input menu’ it would close and open  ’YouView’ same channel with ‘off and on’ but even that seems to have stopped working now