
Keymap for KODI

Does anyone know how to map the ChannelUp and ChannelDown buttons for KODI TV?


Everytime that by mistake I click on those buttons Android goes out from KODI and open Programm Guide on the HDMI 1 port.


I have added the following SonyRemote.xml file under .kodi/userdata/keymaps:


<key id="166">ChannelUp</key>
<key id="167">ChannelDown</key>


but it does not work. I have tried to find the key ID of those buttons in the debug mod connecting with adb but I'm not so sure they are the right one. I'm not sure neither if the remote control is recongnized by the tv as a keyboard,remote or a joystick. APPs like Zattoo TV is able to use those buttons to change channels or X-plore file manage to scroll up and down text files. They might be a way to use them with Kodi too.

 Any ideas?


PS: If there are many user interested in KODI in this forum we might think to open a new discussion and sharing tips and configuration files to optimize our Sony Android TV for KODI.



I have basically the same TV and remote. only 8099 instead of 8077. I just don't know if SPMC has a special "driver" for TV RC MIC 001, maybe missing in Kodi. But as far as I remember neither Kodi had that issue when I installed it (I tried few buttons, Prog +/- included).

@Jecht_Sin: It was a good tip. I have test the SPMC app and indeed by looking at the spmc.log there is nothing about the "SONY TV RC MIC 001" device, so I guess it is not recognized and automatically set to keyboard. If I click on PROG +/- in the log file I can now see:


23:16:39.459 T:18446744071701535008   DEBUG: webserver: request received for /acr_enabled
23:16:39.614 T:18446744072058964256   DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0xa6, sym: 0x0158, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x0
23:16:39.614 T:18446744072058964256   DEBUG: OnKey: channel_up (0xf0ed) pressed, action is
23:16:40.432 T:18446744072058964256   DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0xa7, sym: 0x0159, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x0
23:16:40.432 T:18446744072058964256   DEBUG: OnKey: channel_down (0xf0ee) pressed, action i

And by using keymap editor addon I can map the PROG +/- buttons to channel up/down action for the IPTV simple client addon under FullscreenLiveTV->PVR. Now the question is what is wrong in the mapping of Kodi Leila? I will ask to the Kodi developers and will post the solution here if any for those who would be interested.

@Luigi_R Wait.. Kodi Leila? Are you using the version 18? I thought it was an alpha. If that is the case I wouldn't be surprised if it behaves weirdly. Unless I misunderstood. Otherwise you're better sticking with v17 for the moment.

Yes It is an alpha version, but I can tell you It much more stable than v.17. It also comes with 2 new embedded pvr client for Zattoo and Teleboy. That is mainly why I have upgraded the app.

Oh, it must be nearly ready then. When I tested the v18 on my TV a couple of months ago it was painful. Maybe try to copy the keyboard file from v17 to replace the one in v18. Although I wouldn't know, every time I mess up with those files I hardly make them working! :yahoo:

well, I also have Leia and no such problems.

@Luigi_R Then probably the best thing to do is to backup the libraries via SMB/NFS or else (I think that's how I did once), uninstall Kodi e reinstall it again.


Talking about upgrading.. I have SPMC (which actually works just fine, better than Kodi, actually. I never had a crash in SPMC, unlike with Kodi). If I install Kodi, can I just copy over the userdata from SPMC to the Kodi userdata? Apart that what I really care about are my libraries, with the watched flags and else. So may do as I suggested above.


Going to test it now! :smiley:

Blimey! Leila is great!! It seems much faster than Kripton in either Kodi or SPMC. And the backup/restore of my video library just worked! Same for the audio passthrough, it converts DTS to DD 5.1, like SPMC does (which was the main reason why I switched).


Bad news, though.. Now it does go to HDMI 2 when I press Prog+. Then I am not sure what's going on, but after testing it in Kodi v18, Prog+ also switches to HDMI from Home. I am quite sure it never happened before (not that I tested it much since I don't have an aerial).


PS: Does anyone know what happened to the option to stop watching after pressing "Back"? :unamused:

PPS: The black bars when watching an HDR movie now are... Black! Instead of gray, like it was before and in many other media players. They are really doing an amazing job!

then it must be something related to how KODI sees that remote. Something has changed from 17 to 18 that affects that remote but not the old TX1000 I have.

Sorry for the late reply but all the emails from go to spam on outlook.


@Jecht_Sin: Maybe your LAST_WATCHED is now set to HDMI 2. 

11-19 18:58:23.274 3748 3748 I Tvx-TvPlayer: Find tune action by keyCode = 166
11-19 18:58:23.274 3748 3748 I Tvx-TvPlayer: tune action = LAST_WATCHED

Concerning the "back" behaviour has changed on Leia. You could try long-pressing back but I have always used the stop button on the remote control, it is mapped properly and does the job.


I have opened this thread on KODI forum:

but you may want to follow also this one:


Apparently there is a development going on for joystick peripherics on Leia and it perhaps interferes with our remote control which is halfly recognized as keyboard but also as a joystick.