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Hi all, just bought a KD-49XE8396. I want to use the recording functionality with an external hdd, which works, but only when youview is not enabled. This is fine, but you can't use the itv player or 4od apps without youview enabled - when you open the app it brings up the screen to enable youview.... Really frustrating... Any ideas please?
Thanks, and
It’s using the specific Android TV play store, the exact same one as the Shield, and the same one adapted to Bravia. Yep, it’s being blocked and just isn’t available for our TV’s.
Odd, when I search the Play Store on my Mobile Phone for filtered for "Android TV" only applications, ITV Hub does not appear. It only appears when I search the general Play store as does All4......
Sony TV not compatible, MiBox already installed
Yeh, weird. If I look here, no ITV hub.
Maybe it doesn’t show if you don’t have a compatible Android TV device. I do, so could be why I can see it. Clutching at straws really, I could be way wrong.