cant transfer files since 6.0 update

cant transfer files since 6.0 update

since the 6.0 update i cant transfer files from flash drive to either external hard drive or internal drive because i cant set the permissions like on my phone because it doesnt have the android built in file manager so i can grant the permission for writing to other attached storage formmated to the tv or not could do it before the update is there any way of installing the stock android file manager got es file explorer and file commander installed they dont help please help


Problem is known. There is currently no workaround for granting write permission to the whole storage.


When an app is opened though, it creates a folder on your removable storage under Android/data/$app. This folder is then writable by this app. I assume this also works for file managers like X-Plore or ES File Explorer.


welcome to the club. There are few other "surprises" regarding USB disks that make the whole thing painfully irritating. And it seems that this time USB port get completely shut down at some point but when they do get power again they also change the ID/address of the disk which makes it invisible to some apps. I mean, it is there but for certain apps it is not the same disk as before, path is different.