Android 6 (Marshmallow) on 2015/2016 TV's?

Android 6 (Marshmallow) on 2015/2016 TV's?



During CES I heard a news that Sony will bring Android 6 (Marshmallow) to the 2015 TV lineup.

Link with Video

General News about Marshmallow on Android TV's

These news are from January.

Had anyone heard something new about this?

964 REPLIES 964

The embbarrasing thing here that we're talking about Marshmallow a Jan/2016 realease... Nougat is already in for 4 months ... Sony guys take your time, maybe easier to jump to Android O...


Google should seriously think about the Nexus/Pixel model for TVs... plain vanila OS, updates all the time, you'll have happy early adopters / consumers buying Sony for the screen quality...

I totaly agree with above comment its taken this long it may be better to just skip Marshmellow 6.01 and go stright to Nugat 7.0.


But this is Goggle TV Andriod so may not be as simple as that who knows.


To be honest its fine at Andriod 6.01 as long as it fixes loads of bugs and lagging issues it should do as Andriod 6.01 has way better memory managment system than of Lollipop 5.1 did.



don't know if all those issues are true and if those people tell the truth, but they are all here:


Did not keep all links though. Difficult now to search all subjects and all posts.


Many others and newer are here:


About external audio check around here:


and here

Yep Totaly agree with the link on the bottom of the page takes you to the Sony US sight . This is what was told by Sony UK Tech surport it was planned to finally be relased now end of 2016 the very latest but I was told Goggle and Sony pulled the plug because of all the issues .


Yes its been a very long time and if that now means we have to wait another few months so be it thier is no point haveing an software upgrade if its going to preform even worse than loliipop 5.1 now .Let Sony/Goggle sort out the problems first with all the bugs and lets have a decent software upgrade were they have ironed out all the bugs .


Its not great cusotomer service but I still love Sony products and I still love Andriod as a platform I am going to hold out and lets me that bit more patanince . 


If their are people out their that are not happy fair enough thats within your wrights . But this is a brand new platform only been out a year or so ..I am still upbeat and Andriod will become the best TV platform out their look how long it took Samsung to finally nail the Andriod Smartphone its taken Sony a while with their Mobile divsion but they fianly cracked it with the new XZ I have a Z5 and love it great mobile .Anyway thats my opion 


Happy New years Guys and Chin up ..We all spent alot of money on our new TVs I still have faith that Sony with sort this out .

@Marcd51 Are you for real?


@Marcd51 I love the Android system too, I have owned every Google phone since the G1.


However, the OS on these TV's seems to be so buggy that nobody seems to be able to or willing to fix it. Google have already released 7.1 yet Sony can't get 5.1 to work let alone the 6.1 update that was due months ago.


I paid £5000 for my 75XD9405 and having to hard reboot it when it doesn't correctly engage HDR or when the menu just freezes is not what I expect of a top of the range TV. I can "sort of" live with these things *if* they will be fixed but I also have a judder issue/incompatibitlity with Sky Q that I cannot live with and am waiting for an outcome which I hope comes very soon.


While my TV does produce an amazing picture the support and OS has left a very sour taste in my mouth and I for one will not be buying a Sony (Android) TV ever again. The other 2 sets in my house (Samsung UE55HU7500 and LG 55OLEDB6P) have zero issues and yet they cost a fraction of what this set cost.


Funnily enough I contacted Watchdog (the BBC show) about my issues and I was not the first. They are looking at doing a segment about it if more people come forwards.

I think we're going about this the wrong way. If we all write to John Lewis, Currys etc and tell them that these sets are not supportewd by Sony in any timely manner and even list the main issues they might put pressure on. If we then go into these stores and see if they admit to the problems and follow this up with a letter to citizens advice and the BBc them they might just realise they can't carry on selling faulty goods.


These sets have a five year warranty but I bet it's not worth anything with these issues.


happy New Year especiually to the Sony support staff who are clearly working through the holdays to get Marshmallow fixed



Hi to evreyone .. I was on the phone to Sony Tech UK this after regarding our well overdue firmware update for our Andriod 2015 models .


I was on the phone for a good 45min explaing the bad or rather I say lack of communication from to Sony to us as customers. I asked what are Sony doing about or much needed software update to Andriod Marshmellow 6.01.


I was told that it will be done but thier is no time scale at the moment . I did not find that good enough answser and explained at the angar including my self regarding this issue and Sony needs to get its act together regarding their customer aftercare service .


I stated to them on the phone that their was a statment from Sony via community formus last year that we are to expect the update . I also explanied that in fact Sony US forums had in fact posted the Andriod 6.1 for the US/Asia models .She also explained that it gets realsed at diffrent stages around the world I said yes I agree with that the same with my Xperia Z5 and mobile phone . In fact I told her that Sony for the first time has in fact beaten Samsung and have just relased Nuguat 7.1.1 for their newest mobiles !!


I also explained that yes mobile updates are relased at diffrent stages (regions) but they are normaly only around 3-6 months apart . I stated that my model KD-43X8307C is no over a year old model I have had mine only a few months any ..


I have also explained that of Sony are going to take this sort of attitide and not even communticate with us via Sony formus to keep up us posted as cusotmers then they will losse in the long run .


I also explained that in the next 3-5 years when I or other customers upgrade agoain to either HDR/OLED we wont bother with Sony as they just dont seem to care about aftercare service and go to their direct competitors Samsung or LG is thats simple .


I said this is stupid just get your act togther and give us better transparmcey and better communication on what going on .If Sony is going to skip Andriod Marchmellow 6.01 and go stright to Andriod 7.1 instead I said that would be fantastic but agoan you need (Sony) to keep us informred would explain the delays .



I reminded her that its no good in just takeing this down Sony needs in 2017 to act on this and get things moving . If Sony are using Andriod OS as a platform pretty much their while range now which I truley feel is a fantastic operating system I love they need to realy get behind it and give far better surport and customer interface other wise people including my self on my next upgrade 3-5 years time will just go else where to Samsung and LG . 


She totally agreed I said this is not just for me but for alot of very angry customer that have complained on this vert forum . I like evryone else have paid far more money on these Sony as a brand as yes they are much more expensive compared to LG and Samsung TV but we are paying for a premium brand and as so I exspect Sony to deliver on a decent customer service thats why I went to John Lewis oxford street and have always done so as they give 100% cusomer sevice without fail !!

To be fair when I get people phoning me up all angry when I'm working I generally just nod my head and agree with them that they are right and the company I work for should be doing better because it's true. Then when the call ends I note down nothing, tell noone and move onto the next call which sounds bad but you know why? Nothing they can do for you mate, nothing. Companies are bigger than their callcentre staff - noone listens to callcentre staff you might as well have been telling a fish your life story. We callcentre employees listen to the same stuff all day and it goes in one ear and out the other trust me. I'm probably one of the most caring and intelligent employees my company has but once they repeatedly show they won't take your ideas onboard what's the point in telling them customer feedback? I don't think a single software update or hardware revision has been implemented as a result of my attempts to drum it into managers that their products are rubbish. I don't work for Sony but a similar industry.


yes and no. In fact there is only one way to work with all these outsourced sharedservices.....This of course - only when you feel that you are not satisfied with service provided by consultants (most of time it's not their fault but...)

Always ask to be redirected to speak with superior/ team lead / manager. Always note down name of person you spoke with. After the call send an email addressed to "query support team" with all details and names -  adding in cc few "high" managers from that company - it's so easy to find their official email adresses in Link**in. You will be really surpised how fast and friendly response you will get then...

