Additional Info on HDR video


Additional Info on HDR video

How does a tv display this signal. It can't just show slog3 for instance because yes it has more dynamic range but it looks ugly to most people. So does it just display a 10bit signal. So more colour than ever before and maybe 2 extra stops of display dynamic range. Also if you are super helpful what delivery codecs will be supported as I shoot on a FS7...

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Hi there


Basically it is the metadata within the HDR signal.  A good read is:


Especially this bit:

"You might be wondering what will happen if you try to play a HDR movie on a non-HDR TV. Well, the industry has actually come up with a great solution. In that case you will just get the regular SDR (standard definition range) picture. HDR is layered on top of the signal as an extra package and signaled to the TV with metadata (requires HDMI 2.0a). If the TV does not support HDR it will simply ignore the extra package."

