Sony A7 unable to transfer wireless


Sony A7 unable to transfer wireless

My new Sony A7 camera is supposed to be able to transfer photos wireless to my Mac.

But the application from Sony is unable to find my camera after I connect it to USB. Despite OSX picking it up both as a memory device, and iPhoto as well. 

I have tried the different USB modes as well. But nothing works. It is simply unable to set it up.




@Thalamus. wrote:
Hi Mariuswm,
Further update..
According to the link below the update should be released end of January 2014..

Further info can be found in this link -

Looks like the update has been released - Wireless Auto Import Ver.1.2 for Mac


Could you let us have some feedback once insalled please.?

I just gave it a go on my Mac Mini running 10.7.5 Mac Lion and it did what I expected.


1. Installed it and connected the camera like it asked

2. After installation went to the wifi option on the A7 and selected Send to Computer

3. It picked up my network and imported everything over


Sadly I do not have iPhoto to compare with what it did previously but its not bad although I would like what I want to send what I want to my PC. The Send to Smartphone option lets you choose what you want to send but not if you choose the PC option. Not a big deal since I usually format the car between photoshoots.


I need to find a way to intergrate this with Lightroom now 🙂


Hi, sorry for not discovering this sooner. But I just updated and it works. But still I am not happy.


Because is it not possible to make the images transfer right into iPhoto? I use iPhoto to organize all my pictures. But when I use Wireless Auto Import, it just creates a standard folder somewhere. So it doubles the work I have to do.