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Shooting to cloud

Shooting to cloud



I'm a wedding photographer. I recently switched to shoot with A7iii cameras.


I know that with the Imaging Edge app on my iPhone I can download an image fairly readily to my phone to edit it.

I've also recently got myself a Mac, though my PC is still my main computer. I've been impressed how seamless iCloud transfer of images is from iPhone to the Mac compared to iCloud on the PC.


I have two cloud options at the moment: OneDrive (1TB of storage that comes with my Office 365 subscription) and iCloud (a 50GB storage subscription that I get for my iPhone each month).


I don't really want to spend out on either an Imaging Edge cloud (is that a thing?!) or a Lightroom cloud as well.

Given that the A7iii is not a new system any more I'm wondering if anyone has figured out shooting at an event direct to the cloud? I thought that I had read something about using it shooting to the cloud in JPG format but I can't find that again and I also guess it has considerations on battery life too.

It would be great if I could indeed shoot RAW+JPG and get the JPG files transferred to iCloud or OneDrive seamlessly so that I could rate/tag them prior to import into Lightroom. Indeed if I could easily transfer RAW+JPG that would be even better as I could just import direct from there when back at base.

Community Team

@MalthouseMark, I don't see a way that allows you to shoot to the cloud directly in any format. But I found the FTP Transfer Func, not sure if it's convenient or not: 

-How to activate the function:

-About image transfer:

-Inputting FTP server settings with a smartphone:

@HannahEd01 Thanks. That's the conclusion I came to too. I guess I could turn on FTP but it's hassle that I really was trying to avoid. I was looking for an easier solution (e.g. to my iPhone not to a laptop set up with an FTP server).

Oh well, maybe it will be a thing by the time I do my next camera upgrade! :grin:
Community Team

@MalthouseMark, you're most welcome! I know it's a hassle, but it is what it is! For me, I'm looking forward to get my A1, it has this app (Transfer & Tagging) which allows to transfer directly to the phone using a hotspot! Check it out: