Play Memories Home. HELP!


Play Memories Home. HELP!

A77  camera.

For stills by far the easiest way to process is to insert thje SD card into my Windows W7 and save the ARW and JPEG files to my hard disk using Windows Explorer. Then processed in Photodirector and PaintShop Pro.


Yesterday I took some movies of my daughter. WE showed I had a variety of files on the SD card. Apparently these have to be converted with PMH. No problem; installed PMH and saved as MP4's. I put the SD card back into the A77 and took some more video. I put the card back into the PC and horrors! WE did not notice the card at all (asked me to put a card into my H drive). However my laptop without PMH showed the files OK.


If I put still files onto the SD card and insert it into my PC (with PMH installed) will the card be ignored by WE?


I am very reluctant to test this in case my SD cards get iconfigured to be gnored by WE while PMH is installed - life's too short to go through the PMH palaver every time.