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Direct Upload - Google support (Picasa/Google+)

Direct Upload - Google support (Picasa/Google+)

The dire state of the Direct Upload app is frustrating, It only supported Facebook and PlayMemories, it's recently been updated to include FLickR, which I suppose is something, but it's Google services I am really waiting for.  Picasa/Google+ photo album uploading.


Any news on if this is happening?


The apps on the NEX camera have been so far disappointing, with updates few and far between, and a closed API that prevents anyone other than Sony creating apps.  Sony have never been very dynamic, moving at the speed of a snail.



I would also love to see Google+ upload support at some point.

Please add this as well SONY - thank you.

Check this out:

It's a very primitive uploader (you can't choose the folder you're uploading to nor the files - it uploads them all!), but it works.